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How to Remove Dog Teeth Tartar and Plaque

How to Remove Dog Teeth Tartar and Plaque

Healthy teeth and gums are crucial to your dog’s overall happiness, whether they are playing tug of war or chewing on treats. A great way to keep your dog’s teeth healthy and avoid dental disease is to establish a daily oral care regime care against a build-up of plaque and tartar on dog’s teeth.

Plaque and tartar on dog’s teeth

Plaque begins to form when bacteria from the saliva stick to the surface of your dog’s teeth, forming an off-white sticky layer. The build-up of plaque can quickly escalate into gingivitis. If the plaque isn’t removed, it hardens to form tartar (a brown, rough deposit on the teeth) within a few days when the plaque mixes with minerals in your dog's saliva. If the tartar is not removed it can make the gum disease progress more quickly.

How to remove plaque from dog’s teeth

Removing plaque from dog’s teeth daily will help to maintain good oral health. There are easy changes you can make to remove plaque from dog's teeth naturally, as well as preventing a further build-up, including:

  • Diet – A complete and balanced diet, tailored to the lifestage of the dog is essential or their overall health. The teeth as it has an abrasive texture that wipes the surface of the tooth as the dog eats.
  • Toys –safe toys with small bumps that your dog will chew and play with may help remove tartar from dog’s teeth
  • Brushing your dog’s teeth – Daily tooth brushing is the very best way to care for dog’s teeth and gums. Top tip: remember to introduce tooth brushing gradually and follow our step by step guide.
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